1. Engagement
a. Thank you for accepting my offer to present coaching services to you. By placing an order, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to these Terms and Conditions and agree that the placement of an order together with these terms and conditions forms a contract between you (herein referred to as ‘the Client’) and Po1nt One Pty Ltd, ABN 82 638 433 235.
b. These services are provided by Po1nt One Pty Ltd, ABN 82 638 433 235 by Coach Richmond Dinh (herein ‘the Coach’). Coaching may address specific personal projects, business outcomes or general conditions in the client’s personal and/or professional life. Coaching is not advice, therapy or counselling. Services may include, but not be limited to, values clarification, business brainstorming, identifying and creating plans, examining modes of operating and teaching tools to assist personal transformation.
2. Confidentiality
a. We are committed to protecting your privacy. We are also committed to effectively managing the collection, storage, use and disclosure of personal information for the purpose of our business activities in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
b. All events will be recorded digitally and may be used for future promotional and marketing purposes.
3. Protection of Intellectual Property (IP)
Intellectual Property delivered by Po1nt One Pty Ltd, can only be used for personal purposes and must not be plagiarised or used outside the program. Use of IP outside the coaching program must have written consent from Po1nt One Pty Ltd and must be referenced and credited to Richmond Dinh. If improper use has been discovered, then you may be asked to leave the group and will also risk legal action.
4. Event Attendee Release Agreement
a. Should you attend any live or virtual events conducted through Po1nt One Pty Ltd, you agree to allow Po1nt One to use the recording (both audio, photographic and video) for post event production and marketing purposes.
b. You agree to allow these recordings to be used in all forms of media and acknowledge that Po1nt One Pty Ltd has the right but not obligation to use, adapt, edit, mix, add to, subtract from, arrange, re-arrange, revise, or change the recordings or any part thereof, and combine the same with other performances and recordings of other performances of other persons.
5. Lead Generation within Po1nt One Pty Ltd
Po1nt One Pty Ltd's community is designed to support the clients individual goals and is not designed to be used as a means for leads generated between clients within the community. Having said that, any sales generated between clients within the Po1nt One Pty Ltd community, whether it be direct (you seeking the lead) or indirect (the lead seeking you) are only permitted with the consent of Po1nt One Pty Ltd.
6. Time and Place
Your payment of the investment to us entitles you to receive:
1. 12 Month access to Point One's Online 'Passion to Profits' (PTP) Accelerator Program
2. 12 Month access to 'Passion To Profits' Facebook Group
3. 12 Month access to 'Passion To Profits' live weekly Group Implementation Calls
4. 2-Day Virtual Tiny Challenge(TM) Workshop. Lifetime Access To Replays Included
5. Bonus Admission to a Live 3-Day Business Bootcamp. Attendance must be within 24 months of the date of this contract.
6. Bonus Unlimited Admission to the 3-Day Virtual Business Bootcamp. Attendance must be within 24 months of the date of this contract.
7. Bonus Admission to a 5-Day Virtual NLP Practitioner Certification course. Attendance must be within 24 months of the date of this contract.
8. Bonus Pedro Adao Challenge Secrets Course
8. Investment ($USD)
a. You must pay to us in consideration of the services an investment of the following:
1. Deposit $USD
2. Weekly Instalments Starting 7 Days from the start of this contract
b. Payment made under this agreement must be made by the means specified in the order
c. Instalment plans are handled by Debit Success or Stripe whereby direct debit via your credit card or bank account will be automatically processed on the agreed dates above.
d. Should you join our upper level PO1NT ONE Mastermind Program within 14 days of this contract, then we will credit the investment of this contract into your PO1NT ONE investment. The investment will be credited on the back end of your Point One agreement and will be only credited should you fulfil the full terms of the Point One agreement.
8. Late Payments
If you are 24 hours late on any instalment payment, then the following will occur:
a. There will be a $15 processing fee for every attempt to direct debit the instalment amount
b. Your access to the program and live events will be immediately revoked until the payments are up to date
c. Any outstanding payments more than 30 days late may be forwarded to debt collection agencies
9. Exchange, Refunds & Cancellations
We do not provide refunds, however, should you wish to change your mind on your purchase within 30 days of this agreement, we will gladly credit what you have paid, where you may use this towards one of our other products and services. The credit will be valid for usage of up to 12 months.
10. Disclosures
You Acknowledge:
a. That neither we, nor any of our representatives or any person we engage, perform the services as an investment advisor or licensed by ASIC or any other governmental authority to provide investment advice;
b. That the seminar service does not purport to provide investment advice or operate an investment advice business (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001)
c. That neither we, nor any of our representatives or any person we engage, perform the services as advice as professional mental health therapist, or therapist of any kind. For these matters, please seek professional medical advice from a third party. Our focus in your coaching is to help you get results in the present and in the future.
11. Conflict Of Interest
In the event that a client engages in activities (in the present or any time in the future) which could constitute a conflict of interest to Po1nt One, such as offering and or supporting products and services that compete with what Point One offers, then Point One has the right to revoke access to it’s intellectual property and immediately terminate this Agreement.